When You're Stuck
There’s nothing worse than launching a new endeavor into the world only to watch it flounder.
You keep doing the same thing, hoping people will finally take notice. But you know it and Einstein knew it:
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Three things to consider when you’re stuck:
Your job is to experiment. To find the blip on the radar of human interest. To create variations of your offering until you figure out where your idea meets marketplace demand.
Obscurity is a gift (for now). Use your hiddenness to get better at your craft, work out the kinks, and experiment with variations without your mistakes affecting too many people.
Sometimes a “calling” to something is a calling to prepare. Just because you have the vision for it doesn’t mean you’re meant to achieve it right now. Use this season to improve.
The ‘Hooked’ Moment
Every TV series has a “hooked episode” - the point at which the majority of viewers go on to watch the entire season. (Current fascination: WeCrashed.)
The better streaming services get at moving these hooked episodes earlier and earlier in the season, the faster they’ll turn all of us into couch potatoes.
But there are also “hooked moments” that affect us for the rest of our lives. Like... seeing porn for the time as a kid at a friend’s house. Hearing our dads berate our moms, which influenced how we treat our own wives.
And the false sense of security that comes from sticking to the conventional path, rather than taking a risk.
Hooked episodes are interesting.
But do you know what I’m more interested in?
Unhooked moments.
Download The Fight Deck: 35 digital cards designed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.